Are you looking for a way to become more involved in your professional organization? Joining a committee and sharing your expertise and passion about nursing is a perfect way to do this. We are looking for committee chairs for Fund-raising, Informatics, and Injury Prevention. New members for every committee are always welcome! Share your passion and your expertise!
Committee meetings are held via conference call and/or prior to our state council meetings. If you are interested in taking part in one of the committees please email Dan Nadworny.
Award Committee
Reviewing Nominations for annual State Nursing Awards, qualifying winners and obtaining and presenting Awards at meeting.
Communications Committee
Informing Membership of new and current events. Included Website, Facebook/Social Media, Newsletter and outside resources such as ENA Connection, national website and Collaborative publications.
Education Committee
Plans educational offerings and updates of practice for Members. Educational offerings include participation in NERS yearly and at State Council meetings as able. Also encouraged to write updates for newsletter and website. Read the committee chair welcome message.
Fund Raising Committee
Plans and initiates Fund Raising events to correlate with ENA sponsored and attended events.
Government Affairs Committee
The Massachusetts ENA Government Affairs Committee monitors and advocates for legislation that improves emergency care both here in the State and at the Federal level in conjunction with the ENA national office.
Want to see what bills are being monitored? Click here to access active bills along with comments and status.
IQSIP Committee
Institute of Quality, Safety, Injury Prevention – Community Outreach programs, Patient Safety management and addresses relevant Stretcher Side Concerns. Also encouraged to reach membership with current trends, studies and evidence based practice.
Membership Committee
Maintains membership numbers monthly, reaching out to new members and follow up with leaving members. Assists members with membership concerns. Plans members reception at National Annual Convention.
Pediatric Committee
Included ENPC program, participates in National ENPC/ Pediatric committee calls. Updates membership as needed.
Trauma Committee
Included TNCC program, participates in National TNCC/Trauma committee calls. Updates Membership as needed.